Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Calamine Lotion............

Who remembers using Calamine Lotion on their Chicken Pox as kids???? I still find it pretty funny  that I had my chicken pox very late in my life. 19 years old. it was not fair at all lol, i was this grown woman of 19 walking around my house with Chicken pox, i will never forget being covered in head to toe in Calamine Lotion.
See Calamine lotion is used in treating itchiness,soothing the skin and in treating minor irritation such as mild eczema and chicken pox (we all know chicken pox is certainly not minor) but how many of you ladies know that it can be used as a beauty product? haaaaa BetYaDidntKnowThat!!!
I have combination skin,which means I usually get very oily around my T-zone by midday with or without make up on,whilst at beauty School I complained to my tutor (more like hounded her for advice and remedies) and we got discussing about brands that sell creams and primers that claim to reduce oil in the T-zone area.

Most of these creams work for about a week, after that you pretty much dump them in your make up bag like the rest-well i do anyway. One of the girls I was in the group with randomly mentioned that her mum uses calamine lotion to control excess oil on her face and has done so for 3 years, curious? yes I was.  I Googled that faster than light.  I didn't really find anything concrete on Google so i went to Boots pharmacy, yes I went to ask a pharmacist about calamine lotion on the face lol. She told me she had not heard about such idea that it made perfect sense as calamine lotion retains oil and it wasn't a contraindication to use it on the skin on your face, meanwhile she also thanked me for the idea and she was going home to try it,I laughed OUT loud.
I proceeded to buy a bottle of the "good stuff" Calamine lotion,I didn't remember it being so cheap £0.99p. I used on my face the next morning,(shake the bottle to mix, dab with cotton wool,dont rob,it may leave you looking ashy/white) after using my moisturiser,before my foundation and went about my day- I.KID.YOU.NOT for the whole day (my day ran from 9am-6pm in beauty school) i had less that 10% of the excess oil my face would normally produced, i couldn't stop telling all my friends about it, it worked.
I made all my friends get a bottle of calamine lotion and try it, at least 2 of them still swear by this till this day.
Apart from this being a very cheap primer,its an easy way to control oil too and Calamine Lotion also kills bacteria that may cause pimples so either way you cant lose,you get reduced oil on your face and you kill bacteria that may cause you spots. HA.
I wouldn't recommend you ladies with dry skin to use Calamine Lotion as its very drying and can make your skin tight but i will definitely post more on combating dry problems in my future posts.

Yes i still use Calamine lotion everytime i wear make up. :-)
Try it, let me know how it goes.


Bags!!! Bags!! Bags!! Under-eye Bags.

I have heard countless times that Green Tea is good for us,they give us reasons why its good for us blah blah blah. I am not a fan of drinking teas,I am a hot chocolate kina gal. I like my everything Hot Chocolate from my Men to my drinks to fav colours LOL, ok, im drifting,back to the situation.I am not a Tea fan. I did,however get fascinated with green tea and its goodness after following an account on Twitter,the account regularly tweets health tips like how long you should stay on a treadmill for each time you work out and how much water you should drink daily,they recently tweeted about some of the advantages of drinking Green tea-they included that it helps to get rid of toxins,helps to boost blood circulation and helps in sleeping better at night.
I have to say out of all their tweets one that stood out to me the most was the one about Green Tea helping to reduce under eye bags!!!! i thought huh???? Surely drinking Green Tea can not reduce under eye bags?!?!! *New York City accent* (Gurllllll) little did i know. I twitted at them and asked so I was sent a link where i read that you are supposed to use the tea bags after making tea out of them as compress. LOL i was baffled. 
I have always battled with puffy eyes since my teen years,whether or not i was tired or got enough sleep i have always had it. So next day i went to get Green tea,i got the ORGANIC (i got organic because i damn sure were not going to put any crap on my face,that has not been proven to work) ones from my local supermarket,went home and made tea.
Needless to say the Green tea actually tasted nice but i am not here to write about tea.  After the tea bags had cooled i placed each one on my each eye for 15minutes. After removing the bags,I was actually shocked because i did notice a slight change,now I was not expecting any changes (im cynical like that) but i have to be honest i did see a small reduction in the size of the puffiness.  This is obviously not a permanent solution to puffy eyes (adequate rest, loads of water and stress-free living is) but its worth sticking with this until i lose momentum and interest or until I hear of a different remedy to combat it.
Bear in mind everyone is different,what works for me may not work for you but i would encourage you to actually try this.

 Make a cup of Green tea using two teabags, then use the bags on your eyes. Make sure they've cooled before placing them on your eyes and that the bags aren't too wet or dripping, as the tea may irritate your eyes. Relax with them on your eyes for about 15 minutes.

The first pictures shows the green tea i use now, it tastes yummy too lol.

I hope this helps someone and please do leave comments and let me know how it goes .


Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Home made Body Scrub

Hello BeauTEEful ladies....
So this is my first blog entry, I have finally rebuked the spirit of procrastination and created a blog, lol.  Here, i am going to be sharing everything i learnt from my 16 months at beauty school and also things that i have tried and tested that works for me. It may sometimes just be pictures to show you my discoveries,other times it may be quotes(beauty related) and sometimes it will be a combination of all three. 
Okay,this first entry is about how i make my Body Scrub at home,hands up how many of you ladies really exfoliate your skin regularly? I will not lie i only do it on weekends or when I remember to buy a new body scrub,lets be honest now ladies most of us don't do it as often as we should(twice a week). We shed skin cells everyday so we should really endeavor to exfoliate as regularly as possible (keeps your skin looking smooth and young,those are good enough reasons for me lol).
I recently stopped buying body scrubs solely because they don't last me long,they usually come in a measly 200ml bottles but I like to indulge and i also find that most of them don't put enough stones/beads or whatever you wish to call them,therefore i make my own scrubs.
This is really what this post is about. To make your own scrub is really simple and easy,i also recommend you make it 5 minutes before you jump in the shower to ensure that the sugar does not soften too much which you don't really want. 
I tend not to measure at all as i know how much is enough to shower with.
A handful of Brown Sugar,(no special brand, just about any brand from a local supermarket) I pour into a small bowl,and add some natural honey (again from a local supermarket) now you need to make sure you do not add too much honey to the point that the Sugar is completely saturated,the honey is really to hold the sugar together and its also good for collagen production and helps in minimizing fine lines so afew drops should be okay.
Finally add your shower gel,I like to use Palmolive Milk&Honey as it has honey in it already,You can use any shower gel of your choice but Palmolive works for me. Please bear in mind also that you don't want to completely saturate the two other ingredients with your shower gel so be easy on the bottle lol. Add enough shower gel that you would normally use for your day to day shower,what we need is for the sugar to be able to rid your skin off all the dead skin cells lingering.
Mix the 3 rigorously with your hand,making sure you can feel the roughness of the sugar, to test if there's enough sugar in the mix, exfoliate your hands and feel the smoothness after,if you feel you need more sugars then go ahead add more if not then VOILA!

Happy new skin xxx
Hope this post helped someone,leave a comment BeauTEEful ladies let me know how it goes.